A new path

Journey of discovery

Journey of discovery

         Persons more hip than I tell me that this text is a blog.  My wife and I are computer literate and we are comfortable with the technology, but neither of us have really embraced it.  We have our smart phones and our laptops.  We make use of social media in a rudimentary sense, but you won’t get a tweet from us, people who invite me to join their online professional networks do so in vain, and don’t bother trying to find my Facebook page - just having a website for our business is a big step for us.  You see I am by nature a very private person.  Indeed, I am writing this “blog” under protest.  Part of me believes quite strongly that my wife and I are up to something really special, and that our experience of this special thing is worth sharing.  Another part of me is quite uncomfortable putting myself “out there” in any way, never mind in such a lasting fashion.  I’m told that once something is on the Net it can never be fully excised.  Alas, the romantic in me has won out.  The dreamer, as my mother once described me, has carried the day.  I will join with my wife and share a little bit of how I experience life here on the land.  We intend to take turns composing monthly installments.  We have different ways of viewing and understanding life, we also have different roles in the business just as in life, so we thought it would be interesting to write separately taking turns.  We shall see where this takes us.

       I‘m not a farmer.  I’m not particularly handy.  I’m definitely not mechanically minded.  And yet here I find myself living on a farm, renovating our house and planning great engineering projects.  I’m also not good with numbers or financial planning, etc.  As I pondered the big picture last night I paused to note that I should have written, “win lottery” into our development plan.  It’s important to note that my mom called me a dreamer, not a captain of industry.  Mom nailed it - dreaming is what I do well.  I think.  I reflect.  I ponder and I savour.  I love living on the farm.  My contributions to this evolving record of our journey will focus on my experience of the land in theological and spiritual terms.  I’ll also share some of the more practical and technical aspects of my contribution to growing our business and developing our farm.  I hope you will find some value for you in this.

Peace be with you always.